Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Eats

Alton Brown: Now, wet stuff does not like sticking to other wet ...stuff. It's one of those universal axioms that keeps the galaxy from ripping itself to shreds and dissolving into the void.
Marsha Brown: That's funny. I could have sworn that was gravity.
Alton: That's one of them, too.
--"Good Eats" (Food Network)

Alton Brown: All of life's big problems include the words "indictment" or "inoperable." Everything else is small stuff.
--"Good Eats" (Food Network)

Alton Brown: So on one hand, honey is an amazingly sophisticated and efficient food source. On the other hand it's bee backwash...
--"Good Eats" (Food Network)

Last year, I made a refrigerator in my basement. And I needed to because I needed to figure how; you know there is no such thing as "cold." There is only less heat...
--"Good Eats" (Food Network)

Alton Brown: Slicing a warm slab of bacon is a lot like giving a ferret a shave. No matter how careful you are, somebody's going to get hurt.
--"Good Eats" (Food Network)

Alton Brown: Now, medium starch potatoes do look kind of like Russets but they always have a lighter kind of thinner skin. Now, varieties like this Yukon Gold, Kennebecs, Superiors or, say, these California Longs are for some reason always marketed as white. Racism. It's ugly. Even in tubers.
--"Good Eats" (Food Network)

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